
Thumbnail of the map 'Krueger'

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Author PNI
Tags author:pni freddy halloween krueger rated
Created 2008-10-31
Last Modified 2008-10-31
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Dedication to Freddy Krueger. Happy Halloween!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thunder' Thumbnail of the map 'Ultimate block' Thumbnail of the map 'Untitled' Thumbnail of the map 'Vacuole'
Thunder Ultimate block Untitled Vacuole


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Dude. When I'm trying to overcome a challenge in a map and I start by trying what comes to me first, I need to learn to try that method more than once, because I end up failing the first time and deciding it's not possible and then I look for another way and end up playing the map some strange way.

For example, in this map, I originally tried 4 walljumps and failed. Figuring it took 5, I tried it and realized I had to modulate my 5 walljumps to prevent from hitting the ceiling, and also that the rocket above you needs to be lured so the launcher doesn't fire straight down at you. Given these required complexities, I gave this map 4/5.

I just retried it and got it after like 3 runs by just doing 4 jumps. Not exactly easy peasy but very straightforward. There's no modulation, just pure speed, and the rockets aren't a consideration anymore.

Given this new development, I see why people rated this 3/5. It's still neat, but it needs to be a bit more involved. I'm bumping my rate down to 3/5. Sorry, PNI.
Demo Data

could get better

but its good...

not THAT THING... but its ok.



A different taste


pretty boring.
Demo Data
If you want to see it
I made a mine-jumper out of it, and eganic to

I would post a demo of me getting to the door, then realiziong that I had forgetting to hit the exit switch, but the demo didn't record.

This isn't a new concept and I'm certain I've seen something almost exactely the same as this before, but it wasn't a bad map either.


... ( 3 / 5 )
it's cool and doesn't afraid of anything


Your comment...moved me...thank you.
I liked it. You have two concepts going here (the jump and the rockets) and they complement each other pretty well and result in an interesting and relatively challenging concept, while it lasts. 4/5
Demo Data


Fairly generic, but still a good simple challenge. 3
and you have submitted 6 maps.


neat is my word, but i agree nonetheless.
Demo Data


Demo Data