User information for "Nexx", Unsuspecting Penguin
Avatar | |
Maps | 123 (Show all) |
Rated Maps | 71 (Show all) |
Favorites | 288 (Show all) |
Featured Maps | 9 (Show all) |
Map Ratings | |
Total Ratings | 1308 |
You can find out more about me on my wiki page [].

Links for the above maps:
Cat's Cradle [] Down with the Zigness [] Spelunky [] Blood Vines []
Gay Octopus [] Machinations [] Crooked Deal [] Final Labyrinth []
Graph Theory [] Modern Battlefield [] Hillside Guardians [] Quantum Echo []
The Gauntlet [] EVERBEAM [] Capcom [] Gridlock []
Reviews I've written
- Tunnel Trouble [] -- mrgy05
- Blind Justice: Investigation [] -- APulse
- Excerpt from a Wedding Cake [] -- Pheidippides
- Kill the Rocket Dead (Or, One Last Time for Hazel Kinder) [] -- Arctic_Pony
- Octogonorrhea [] -- Nphasis
- Night Rider [] -- APulse
- The Walrus Hunt [] -- anco
- Plenty [] -- 1211 & apse
- I Am Cross (feat. Sunset) [] -- ChrisE & Sunset
- Night Bass [] -- lsudny
- 1/4 [] -- kiaora
- Suction [] -- stepself
- Pick up. [] -- uNcoNditioNal
- The Nacho Arcade. [] -- NachoCheese
- 23-3 Think Outside the Triangle [] -- R3D_N1NJ4
- Bellow High Tide [] -- Evil_Bob
My collabs
Submitted by me []
Submitted by others []
Not tagged as a collab #1 []
Not tagged as a collab #2 []
Not tagged as a collab #3 []
Not tagged as a collab #4 []
People I've collab'ed with: IodineEnvy, 1211, flagmyidol, Inspired, RandomDigits, gloomp, PNI, notkitt, kisler
Rates I've given:
Total rates: 1710 (+ nearly 800 Memoirs [] judge rates)
Average rating: 4.0 (6752/1710)
Histogram: 4 : 66 : 253 : 1069 : 318 (meaning I've given out 4 one's, 66 two's, 253 three's, etc. I never rate 0.)
Authors who inspire me
APulse []
astheoceansblue []
ChrisE []
condog_111 []
Evil_Bob []
Guitar_Hero_Matt []
hoohah2x2sday []
karmap0lice []
mrgy05 []
nevershine []
Onesevennine []
Pheidippides []
Riobe []
spudzalot []
TheAdster []
uNcoNditioNal []
Yahoozy []
Deds I've received
00tinytim00 []
Arona_Daal []
blackson []
bobaganuesh_2 []
Domination []
Eiturlyf []
heatwave21 []
Guitar_Hero_Matt []
kisler []
Mustardude []
Naczz/NicNac14 []
notkitt []
player_03 []
Regal_Legend [], plus a second one []
Seifer []
sidke []
Useful mapping links
Thumbnail preview generator [] (so you can see what your maps will look like BEFORE actually posting them to NUMA)
Object Mover [] (downloadable program)
Tileset inverter []
ModMaster [], for NReality modding (downloadable program)