Shaken, not Stirred.

Thumbnail of the map 'Shaken, not Stirred.'

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Author victimbf2
Tags action author:victimbf2 featured playble puzzle rated tncc
Created 2008-08-04
Last Modified 2008-08-04
by 25 people.
Map Data

Description My Entry for The NReality Column Comp.
Week 01: Drone Mods

This map was featured on 2010-08-06

This map is clearly on liquid speed. It uses rotating lasers in an innovative way such that you don’t have to play around them, but you still have to be conscious of their presence. The map requires you to play smart and sometimes be a little lucky, but if you stick to a good route you shouldn’t have any trouble. Also stay on the alert for the drones which make you look slow, they could be a hassle if you are dawdling. Definitely in my top 10 favorite NReality maps. — cucumber_boy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Somnambulate' Thumbnail of the map 'Genesis Within' Thumbnail of the map 'That Floorchaser Might Byte You' Thumbnail of the map 'Hey you! Get me a cherry soda!' Thumbnail of the map 'The Scar' Thumbnail of the map 'Going Up.'
Somnambulate Genesis Within That Floorchaser Might Byte You Hey you! Get me a cherry soda! The Scar Going Up.


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TOO EASY!!!1 THE DRONES WERE SOO SLOW!! trust me i dont use nreality, cause i dont even know what the heck is the difference or how to use that difference
Demo Data


Nice use of the rotating laser drone,
Demo Data

Agree with ethel.

The drones were too fast and the laser fired too soon. This could've been much better. 3.5 down.
hmm the map was alright. 3.0
Demo Data

Not bad

Bit dull though. Just another 'beat the drones' map but created with NReality mods that aren't that great.




decent agd

Demo Data

Waayyyyy to easy

finished it on first try. 4/5


Demo Data
So I have alot of reviews in a row now :P

Also it is packed for like the next week, we'll see if people just stop doing them again...

What happened?

Was there a genocide amongst the reviewers? I'll take the next spot if no-one else is queued.


Kinda fun. 4

This is really fun.

The laser was perfect and the drone timer was just right.

No fun at all

Cheap shotting laser and drone timer was far too fast.

Now I want to lower my rating to 4. :\

It's cheatable.

This is so much fun



I didn't know that he told us. What a spoiler. :/


This map won 3rd place in The NReality Column Competition. It will be included in the next levels update of NReality.

Oh wait...

You can't round 5 up. (whoops)

...and Ravn, are you playing this in Nreality v6c2 []? The drones aren't exactly slow using it...


Fun map. I liked racing against the speedy drones. 5/5 rounded up.
Demo Data

too easy,drones are too slow.
but good idea :)