Lighting The Street Lamps

Thumbnail of the map 'Lighting The Street Lamps'

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Author TeaNose
Tags action author:teanose gauss medium rated rocket tea
Created 2010-04-23
Last Modified 2010-04-23
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Turn some light on! It's dark, it's dark!


I got inspired by Kaylab and pieced this together overnight. Also inspired by a lot of over things I've seen recently. :3

Enjoy, guys!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bonansa Li Amkitala' Thumbnail of the map 'Living Orgasm' Thumbnail of the map 'Lonesome Firefly' Thumbnail of the map 'Gray Lotus'
Bonansa Li Amkitala Living Orgasm Lonesome Firefly Gray Lotus


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My best all gold:

Oh if you want to do a collab I'd like to do one. I've got an idea for a map that incorporates rotating lasers. I'll handle nreality.
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Well mine compared to meta ;)

but I beat you with this agd :)


haha I don't know man, I guess you've been mapping a lot more than me, and I've been playing more than you. Your maps definitely beat mine.
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Sub 700 AGD

Going for faster.
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Beat this! :3

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What happened rat? I used to so be much more competition for you, but now you blow me out of the water. I think I need to practice some more.
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I know a little bit. If you do you could help me with the idea. Maybe a collab?
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Oh man,

I have a great nreality idea using your streelamps. Do you think I can use them?

nice demo Z, some nice dodges in there ;)

AGD with a pretty cool rocket dodge:
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Otherwise, it was a solid 3 from me
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and your comparison is ridiculous. every map of yours so far has blatantly ripped off several popular authors. that's different than using a one-way tubbel. it takes no talent to look at a Miststalker06 map then change a few things and call it your own. i despise people who do that.. try being a LITTLE more original

and stop hiding behind your little multi-account. you're not fooling anyone.


cheap imitation. nothing more.


I wasn't inspired with that one. :3 <3
something you made up or something you were inspired by? It's cool either way; I just want to see where such an awesome motif originated from :3
Hell, probably the best map by anyone in the past several days. I don't like the exit door in the floor, but I think that's more personal preference than a real flaw. 5aved.


Here. Street-light challenge ;D


Nice work

With the light-post/switch-on-a-stick theroy.
It would ahve been nice if they were more accurately positioned tho :/

A g D

Nice to meet you Sarah, I'm Caleb. :)
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It's okay, Mist. :3

Thanks anyhow. :3


** Sorry, I wrote the wrong number. ;/

AGD from me,

nice map. I like it, due to the idea that you can light the lamps optionally. Most of them, anyway. :) 5/5 Worked for me. I lighted all the lights. :)
Demo Data
on my last map. I'm playing this now. :)

All gold.

Here you go. :3
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