
Thumbnail of the map 'Altitude'

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Author Ferox
Tags action altitude author:ferox featured rated tileset
Created 2010-04-07
Last Modified 2010-04-07
by 38 people.
Map Data

Description Announcing:

Altitude, the Mappack. It will (hopefully) contain 25-30 levels, 5 of which might be made by other mappers. There will be 7 preview maps, five of which (including this one) are already here.

Playtested by Iban. Tiles by Jugglekid. [] Enjoy!

This map was featured on 2010-05-07

NUMA has a severe lack of maps entitled some variant of "What is Flow? (Baby don't hurt me)."


All I'm saying is that people talk about flow often as if it's some kind of nirvana that you have to aspire to. I mean, it's not. It's a kind of groove that you can get into on a map sometimes, when your next actions just fall into place. Sure, it's easy to do this with a map made entirely of curvy tiles, but it takes skill to do it with a fairly clean-edged one.

Which brings me to this map... — Onesevennine

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Another Day at the Beach.' Thumbnail of the map 'Clash of the Titans' Thumbnail of the map 'New Divide' Thumbnail of the map '03-0 Eye of Ugin' Thumbnail of the map '02-4 Frozen Glacier' Thumbnail of the map 'H1-N1'
Another Day at the Beach. Clash of the Titans New Divide 03-0 Eye of Ugin 02-4 Frozen Glacier H1-N1


Although the floorguard usage is really nice. agd.
Demo Data



Heya Ferox.


also, Sen

I think his statement is fair, because the date format on the reviews is a bit abnormal. If you didn't think about what todays date was, it'd be easy to confuse.


It wasn't /that/ unflowey. The bottom right corner was particularly smooth, I felt, with the timing of the floorguard, the mines and the guass. :S
I really like how gold works too, imo. Floorguards are awesome too, but they don't effect the gameplay too much.
1 month =/= 1 day.

Great review.

Average map.
No demo cos I had no desire to finish it, which is odd for me.

im glad this is your featured map. because its awesome.

i dont get this

this has been featured one, or 2 days after it was made.

Congrats, Ferox!

Happy feature.


apparently you have -1 rated maps...

Demo Data
Like Yahoozy said, this map just sits here, doing nothing special. 3.
Demo Data



woah, sweet.

nice ferox ^_^




Thanks for the feature, man. I really appreciate it.


Demo Data

A very minuscule amount of repositioning here would make this a genuinely fun map. There are so many mines present that feel as if they have absolutely no thought put into them, and it really hurts the gameplay.

agreed maxson.

I remember this map.

Nice job Ferox, and nice review.
flow is NOT a necessary part of a map, though it can sometimes be nice. I really hate it when people go on action maps and say "oh there's no flow" as if that's a bad thing.

Another splendid review... <3

I demand a 179 vs ChrisE review marathon at some point in the near future. Make it happen.

If you're innocent

then you have no worry dude. Apologies if you are, and for being so blunt; I just like to be as up-front about it all as possible.
My stream of bad luck is continuing.

First, Obama's ****ing healthcare bill shuts down my insurance for my therapy for my neurological problems.

Then I have two biopsies.

Then I have a anti-snipe problem and are worried about the admins blaming me for it as I am innocent.

Now this. All in three days. WTH...

I'm delisting this.

There's obviously abuse happening on your account, I'll have to look into it further to see exactly what's going on.

I'll reslist it in a little while. If I forget please send me a message and I'll get right on it.
what have any of us done to be a nightmare? :s


I remember now why I stepped down before, you kids are a bloody nightmare. :/
doesn't mean i can't disagree with him.

yeah my bad atob

but if Ferox feels it should have a higher rating, he is allowed to say so. multi-accounts and resubbing is a bigger problem than complaining.

Oh wow

I just noticed atob is an admin and a reviewer :o

And yeah,

a 3 is good.


Ferox is the one making a fuss about a 3 rating and his account has suspicious activity.

We're here to monitor this stuff, if we weren't the place would be an absolute mess.