
Thumbnail of the map 'Aqueduct'

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Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset featured fun jumper jumper-puzzle puzzle rated
Created 2010-03-11
Last Modified 2010-03-11
by 35 people.
Map Data

Description one of my easier jumper puzzles.

This map was featured on 2012-09-26

Jumper-puzzle maps require skill and lots of patience, but they bring great satisfaction when you finally reach the exit. This is a great example of the jumper-puzzle genre, which unfortunately isn't very popular amongst NUMA's maps. In Aqueduct, Sunset combines simple object placement with astonishing tileset and creates a triumph of function and form. His use of minimal objects with focus on the tile work makes him a legend in the genre.

If you don't feel like smashing your keyboard in rage and throwing it through the window, then wait for the next feature.

- lsudny [] — Aidiera

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hyperspace' Thumbnail of the map 'In the House of The Rising Sun' Thumbnail of the map 'Steel Slum' Thumbnail of the map 'Madness...?' Thumbnail of the map 'Mount Manor' Thumbnail of the map 'Dead on The Tracks'
Hyperspace In the House of The Rising Sun Steel Slum Madness...? Mount Manor Dead on The Tracks


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pretty good, not my favorite type of map but well made!
Demo Data

Nice graphics

but too easy.
it is well made... I like ratings too.. even when sometimes they are skewed by malcontents.
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Its not that, I never check the rating, I just check the map and play if I like it. But sniping still sucks, even if you dont care, because there's no reason to do that.
do people still bitch about ratings as if they reflect the quality of the map?

Brought the rating to a 3! :D

I use this map to practice those types of jumps.

first try

Demo Data

Oh come on fucking snipers, is that necessary? Jeez, if you want rates just make good maps.

Sub-1800 AGD

Realtime of course. Pretty cool map, i can see why its been featured ;)
Demo Data

The map was sniped.

Like just about every map on the hot maps page right now. The ratings don't reflect the map at all. I hope everyone here realizes this. Wouldn't want there to be a bandwagon due to a misinterpretation or lack of information; which there kind of is.

I don't really care at all, though. Stopped caring about ratings a while ago.

Congrats, dude.

I can understand some of the criticism here. Personally, I didn't like the left half, because it didn't involve much thinking about the jumps. On the other hand the climb on the right hand side was pleasantly challenging. With mixed feelings, I'll give this a 3.4/5.

lsudny is tagged in the review, because it was he who wrote.

funny to see a 2/5 review lol

why is lsudny

tagged in the review? : P

I don't think it reflects my current mapping at all.

Also, thanks suds! And Aidiera!
Yeah it's not got much variety but it's fun to play and looks good. 4/5
Demo Data
And overall the map lacks the maturity that tktktk and Lucidium jumpers have.

First try AGD.
Demo Data

Tossing my first try into the pile. Enjoyed the thematic consistency a lot, but this was barely a jumper.
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Demo Data

It was fun

i wanna say it was worse because every jump was the same. Also this wasn't nearly as hard as lsudny implied.

First try AGD.

I really really liked this. The style was consistent and the jumps were fun to figure out. :)
Demo Data
Lots of double-shift-tap walljumps in there. Tileset's not bad though. Plus, certainly not even close to keyboard-smashingly hard. Tiles are cool though. 3


first try :D fun jumper
Demo Data

congrats Sunset!!!
I like, I like that to a good mappers like you the recognition of their work. ;)

Good fun,

very well done, 4

these are pretty sick

Here is the map



Demo Data


You have to gimme credit though
But decided against it.

Very fun!
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