Wooden Software

Thumbnail of the map 'Wooden Software'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author GRN
Tags author:grn grn race rated rit rockets
Created 2009-11-07
Last Modified 2009-11-10
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description New collab between me and Rit. Took us a while to finish it but we got there.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Enethity' Thumbnail of the map 'Energy' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Race' Thumbnail of the map 'CreAtive' Thumbnail of the map 'Withered Souls' Thumbnail of the map 'Comfortably Numb'
Enethity Energy Death Race CreAtive Withered Souls Comfortably Numb


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you can't change the map once its got a public rating, but map name, description and tags you can


how come it says you cant change it once its got a public rating?

Come on Come on you can do it , you can change the name :D just click where it says "edit" and you'll change it come on come on you wanna change it, you know you wanna change it, come on don't be shy, change it, just type "Wooden Software" come on come on

i am wrong!

i don't need a numpad :D
my brother has a macbook and can't use Ned properly - so i assumed i couldn't. but i can so wooop! i will send you something on the forums once they start working again and i have any free time. they aren't working for everyone else too, right?

You need a numpad?

I hate the numpad =/

And yes, GRN, I will most certainly collab with you. Go ahead and send me a start on the forums ^^

lol @ destiny

i was going to ask, but i think my best maps are the ones i make alone. i cant map atm - no numpad. maybe around christmas sometime?
You and your generation of race-mappers are a bunch of collab-addicted... race-mappers.

And none of you have asked me for one yet D:<
Demo Data


the asthetics were pretty nice... but not brilliant.

I liked the rockets though... especially at the start, the chimney at the end was also nice.

Demo Data

you can still change the name in "edit" XD
so was just missing the rocket after the top right launchpad. the rest was nice, but not particularly exciting.
Demo Data

agree with chironex

also, there were some nice close calls, but then there were areas that were really empty


Good, fun, flowy but sort of generic race. I think the aesthetics could use some work.

normal way

Demo Data

Oh damit,

sorry rit, completely forgot about that.
but as you can see from my demo, its really easy to trip.
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Demo Data

Wasn't it going to be named Wooden software? xD

Good, solid race.

The only part I didn't like was the end of the encounter with the floorguard. That jump to the final tunnel was awful. You almost have to guess where to jump. 4


Demo Data