
Thumbnail of the map 'CreAtive'

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Author GRN
Tags author:grn flow race rated
Created 2009-10-16
Last Modified 2009-10-16
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Haven't made a map in a while, well actually I have, Ive made about six in the past week but scrapped them all. Very pleased with this one, I think it turned out nicely. The ending is a bit plain, partly because N started to lag on my computer so I decided to delete some of the enemies. Sorry if they look messy.

EDIT: Ok, So Ive almost finished N, but I'm stuck on the 80's, god that row is impossible, do you guys have the same problem or is it just me?

Rate/Comment & Enjoy!

HINT: Don't overpower the jump on the top left launchpad.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tense' Thumbnail of the map 'Dream Theatre' Thumbnail of the map 'Steralise' Thumbnail of the map 'Enethity' Thumbnail of the map 'Energy' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Race'
Tense Dream Theatre Steralise Enethity Energy Death Race


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hows our collab going?? havn't heard from you in ages....

nice one :P

cool flow, asthetics need work.

and hows our collab going btw?
Demo Data

I really like the middle part, it was very exciting with the thwumps, bounceblocks, etc. After that it got boring. Work on aesthetics.


Demo Data


flow demo + i beat you all :p
Demo Data

Very nice race,

It's really fun once you find the find the route.

Nice use of objects, I always end up having too few.

Demo Data
Demo Data

I like the

use of thwumps throughout the map. ;D
Demo Data

i liked the lasers at the begining and the use of the thwump with the bounce block.
Demo Data


Great race. Not too hard, great enemy placement and good flow.
