Intense Desperation

Thumbnail of the map 'Intense Desperation'

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Author rit0987
Tags author:rit0987 destiny flow fun mattymc13 race rated
Created 2009-07-21
Last Modified 2009-07-21
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Destiny said he was leaving which I'm not sure to believe, anyways
this is dedicated to him for being one great race author and one of my biggest inspirations. Special thanks to mattymc13 [] for helping complete this and playtesting. RCE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Summertime Race' Thumbnail of the map 'Home And Away' Thumbnail of the map 'Down Home Again' Thumbnail of the map 'Hidden Metropolis' Thumbnail of the map 'Anticipation' Thumbnail of the map 'Free Again'
Summertime Race Home And Away Down Home Again Hidden Metropolis Anticipation Free Again


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check out

the lastest comment on this map [], as destiny comments after he said he left!
riobe commented on it and said that he got a PM from him, telling riobe that he's leaving. That sucks.

Check out his last map and the descripition just says "I'm leaving" o.o


this is one of your best races in my opinion. Just one thing - all your tilesets are good, yet there's nothing fantastic about should try something completely different, i mean whats there to loose.

and is destiny really leaving ??!!??

4.5v and agd
Demo Data



I'm telling newbies to races to check out some of your races.

it may be generic

and it may be similar to your others, but this is your best yet, I really liked the wallclimbing shafts.
Although I do agree with the others that you should try something different(wallclimbing possibly, a more open race) in your next race.

First try AGD.

Demo Data

lol.. but now my map is rated 3 because of him


It seems like every time I see a comment from him, it says something along the lines of "What the fuck this is shit."

no I haven't noticed. I didn't even now that guy
stepfather puts down just about every map he comments on.

thankyou I hope you were lying

weird death

Demo Data
had good flow and i enjoyed playing it 5aved 4/5

Try, like, uh...

More movement. Use more drones. Or something. I don't really know. >_>

Ok.. I'll keep that in mind I guess...
It lacks energy. It feels kind of lifeless.

Try some different enemy types next time. Rockets get boring.

oh thnx glad you liked it :D


Really nice!... better than your others. I liked the part where you dodge to two rockets! 5/5 Faved!
Demo Data


Flow Demooo
Demo Data

yeah thnx lol

did you mean

desperation? :p