06~3: Singularity

Thumbnail of the map '06~3: Singularity'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action agd author:guitar_hero_matt fun gtmap-pack rated variety
Created 2009-03-05
Last Modified 2009-05-13
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Ever felt alone? That no-one in the world was “like” you? That you stuck out like a sore thumb? I’m sure you’ve felt this at some point; maybe a gang of bullies were picking on you, or something. It happens to everyone, I guess.

I have a white hole encased inside my impossible heart. I had to imprison myself in my protective suit of armour just so the lethal radiation I produce doesn’t get out. And I know I’m the only one of my kind, anywhere, anyplace, anytime. I’d tell you everything else right now, but that’d ruin the surprise.

It sounds like a far cry, but I’m being serious. You might not have heard of me yet, but you’ll see it happen with your own eyes soon enough. It’ll take a massive load of explaining when it does happen, so you could find about it then. Or, you could listen to my story, and find out now. It’s pretty long, but I’ve got all of the time in the world. So, pull up a chair. Forewarned is forearmed, right?

Okay, I had to submit this.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Relay, Really?' Thumbnail of the map '09~1: Oh No...' Thumbnail of the map 'The Science Of Not Knowing' Thumbnail of the map '06~0: The Worst Kind Of Weather' Thumbnail of the map '06~2: Stepping Stones' Thumbnail of the map 'Acido Paradiso Venicio!'
Relay, Really? 09~1: Oh No... The Science Of Not Knowing 06~0: The Worst Kind Of Weather 06~2: Stepping Stones Acido Paradiso Venicio!


Pages: (0)

I wasn't entirely sure, but that's pretty much ratified it for me. Also, yeah, I agree flags. I was apprehensive about including that rocket at first but thought the different gameplay encounters would compensate for the difficulty hike :P

one word: YOU

it is you so it is splendid! 4.5 down!


your style is very identifiable. i remember i recently saw a thumbnail (i think in someone's favourites) and i knew instantly that it was yours (even though i didn't know the specific map). you definitely do have a style, and a distinct one.
i submitted because i made it, saw that it was hard, yet possible. i have nearly agded it myself. i decided to temporarily submit it as a challenge to see who could agd it.
i already planned on later scrapping the objects and redoing it, which i plan on doing soon.


cramped gameplay not for me. :/
give me a nice maximo map any day. it seems like you feel the need to have some sort of challenge in every section of the map--no laid back relaxation, or simplicity. bit too much.

i'm devout.

i disliked the mines/gold combo on those tiles at the start, just found it rather annoying in comparison to the rest of the map.
overall, i thought the map didn't really fit together that well. left side felt like it was completely different from the right and the two parts felt pushed together.
agreed with kiaora that it's atob stained :P

i give it a 3.5 down.
and, if you have time and get round to it, i'd appreciate you looking at 159702 :)
But I'm not an active Christian. I do support Erik's Christian beliefs though. And thanks RF!

Ganteka, I'd be happy to, were it not for the fact that my style isn't as identifiable as some other authors, imo. But I don't mind if you put me in, t'would be cool.


you're a Christian?
contestants imitate author's styles
you mind being the style for this week?
And thanks for the feedback everyone.
That's exactly what I'm facing now. I know you're not saying that to me but it really warms me up, thanks! :D

Faster AGD

847 frames.
Demo Data

Quite the

atob tinged map. (Not a bad thing, this isn't necessarily derivative.)


That isn't that fast of an AGD. At least 100 frames can be taken off.


Decently fast, although a few spots could have been faster.

Demo Data
are usually the thing that turn me off of your maps, despite often positive gameplay.
You'd probably have to jump off the slope with the mines, though.
However the tileset and the rest of the map flow nicely to make for an enjoyable map. 3.9/5.


very fun, but it felt a little too busy, i guess.
get out from here:
Demo Data


No f'ing way.
Demo Data