Pits of Hell

Thumbnail of the map 'Pits of Hell'

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Author Gods_Reaper
Tags author:gods_reaper rated unrated
Created 2009-01-06
Last Modified 2009-01-06
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description UniverseZero made the tileset for me and i put in all the mines and gold my self. i really like it. good clean fun.

Fastest 3 AGD get ded ends January 10th

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'OMG so Simple' Thumbnail of the map 'New Way Home  /  By: Foo Fighters' Thumbnail of the map 'One Step Closer' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump Skill 21 - GET SKINNY!' Thumbnail of the map 'So Simple ll' Thumbnail of the map 'TEST'
OMG so Simple New Way Home / By: Foo Fighters One Step Closer Jump Skill 21 - GET SKINNY! So Simple ll TEST


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The contest starts probably next Monday

I'd still like more contestants though... There're only four so far.

Pretty fun

Kinda repetitive and a little frustrating but certainly fun to play despite these qualities. Nice tiles too.

i got to the switch

in less than 1000 frames
Demo Data

I edited it

there was one mine that i kept dieing and i just moved it alittle bit.



i havnt seen you in a while were u been

I'll keep trying

Demo Data


mike the mine were placed perfectly.
its hard but so easy jumping style.
when you get cocky on the way back.
Demo Data