One Step Closer

Thumbnail of the map 'One Step Closer'

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Author Gods_Reaper
Tags author:gods_reaper rated unrated
Created 2009-01-04
Last Modified 2009-01-04
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description By: LinkinPark
this had alot of interesting detail put into it. this may look like it was all just thrown together in a couple of minutes. but every tile is placed very carefully and this is possable.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Shits N' Giggles' Thumbnail of the map 'Invisable.' Thumbnail of the map 'Run for Shits N; Giggles' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump Skill 20 - So Close Yet So Far' Thumbnail of the map 'OMG so Simple' Thumbnail of the map 'New Way Home  /  By: Foo Fighters'
Shits N' Giggles Invisable. Run for Shits N; Giggles Jump Skill 20 - So Close Yet So Far OMG so Simple New Way Home / By: Foo Fighters


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The only thing I don't like is the floorchasers. I haven't finished playtesting yet, but other than the floorchasers I've only made one or two edits for the sake of simplicity. Expect the next draft tomorrow :P

Haha same time zone

Okay yeah I'll definitely have it before midnight (my family won't be on that late), barring an emergency or grounding or something XD

Imagine that XD

Just let me put finishing touches on it. I'll send it to you later tonight (or today if it's daytime for you)

Yeah sure dude ^_^

Do you have an account on the forums? If you do I can PM you a tileset.
But something's missing... idk, my instinct tells me this needs more enemies, but other than a zap on the right and (possibly) a gauss in the top-center I really don't know what you could do here. It's still fun to maneuver around, and it looks nice, so a low 4 from me, but a 4 nonetheless. :P


me a link.

lol this was a basterd to playtest to. i had to like to tile by tile


the same was true with my map; it also had the 5-tiles in an L and 2 pieces of gold.

Pretty fun

map... although "fun" isn't quite the right word. I can tell a lot of thought went into this; but it's kinda repetetive. 4/5 for the effort and looks, 3/5 for gameplay, so I'll round up to a 4 average.

Looks like

something I did... I made a map called Motion Sickness, it had the same kind of tiles with c-snapped gold.