Room of Lava

Thumbnail of the map 'Room of Lava'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author twentythree
Tags author:twentythree challenge playable rated simple
Created 2008-10-16
Last Modified 2008-10-16
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description One o' them simple challenge maps.
Hope you like.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Short Tower of Mistakes (Gate)' Thumbnail of the map 'Short Tower of Mistakes (Outside)' Thumbnail of the map 'Short Castle of Mistakes (Moat)' Thumbnail of the map 'Keys, Keys, and more Keys' Thumbnail of the map 'Short Tower of Mistakes (Surroundings)' Thumbnail of the map 'Moonraker'
Short Tower of Mistakes (Gate) Short Tower of Mistakes (Outside) Short Castle of Mistakes (Moat) Keys, Keys, and more Keys Short Tower of Mistakes (Surroundings) Moonraker


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But I did

really like both the sieve of eratosthenes and shaft 3

I didn't

mean that I don't like you map, I just didn't think it was very hard. And besides, mathematics is designed to be fun, not hard.


too easy
Demo Data
Demo Data
Add another challenge or two and improve the visuals from their current dismal state and you'd have a nice map. 3/5
Demo Data


Demo Data


pretty effective simple challenge..


You cheated.
Guess I'll have to edit that.


The jump at the end was my favorite part.
Demo Data