earth boy leading raincloud horse

Thumbnail of the map 'earth boy leading raincloud horse'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author gloomp
Tags author:gloomp earth-boy featured leading raincloud-horse rated remix
Created 2008-07-29
Last Modified 2008-07-29
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description You're looking at one of the few times I've had inspiration for a map before I started it. Inspired by 00-1 of the DLC Level Pack #1, not because I've gotten it, but because I've seen a video of it.

Oh, and anyone who comes even close to getting the title reference gets a dedication, which is not something I hand out willy-nilly.

This map was featured on 2009-12-29

Earth boy leading raincloud horse. "To where?", you might wonder. What places would an earth boy lead his raincloud horse to? Perhaps to the raincloud barn, in which it can play with his fellow raincloud animal buddies. But a raincloud farm, on the other hand, might be a bit too far to reach for a normal earth boy.

Who cares anyway, while that retard is gone you can steal all his gold.

- crescor []. — Leaff

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'On the Muleway, Hopping Train to Train' Thumbnail of the map 'Seat B-14 on Air Strip One' Thumbnail of the map 'Eye of Strindberg' Thumbnail of the map 'Outback [Self-Relient Remix]' Thumbnail of the map 'Tender Childhood' Thumbnail of the map 'Agoraphobia Map'
On the Muleway, Hopping Train to Train Seat B-14 on Air Strip One Eye of Strindberg Outback [Self-Relient Remix] Tender Childhood Agoraphobia Map



Demo Data

and I guess you could cheat N by doing something like this (AGD)
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(tied with) fastest AGD
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Is pale fire the book with two poets making comments on each other's poems by any chance? Just wondering because a friend IRL told me about a book of that nature by Nabokov.

(btw, I'm still working my way through your list :3)


But little replay value.
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very nice.

very cool.
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Too easy.
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congrats gloomp!
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Bad, but not horrible.
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Now, to play it again...

Third try.

You get the hang of it after a while.
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Map gloomp nice.

haha I like the review. I like funny reviews. good job.
the maps ok.
I've liked these few days a lot. Many authors who didn't have featured maps got some. That makes me happy :')

Demo Data
Wow that was difficult to type into google :P

slow but AGD

cool map, could have been made a bit more 'flowy'.
Demo Data

very cool

this is quite like your recently featured map 5/5
Dedication coming soon.

(By the way, I didn't know it was mentioned in Pnin. Cool.)
it's a piece of art from picasso

title reference:

it's a piece of text from Nabokov's interview.
"The art teacher in Pnin says that Picasso is
supreme, despite his commercial foibles. Kinbote in Pale
Fire likes him too, gracing his rented house with "a beloved
early Picasso: earth boy leading rain-cloud horse, " and your
Kinbotish questioner recalls a reproduction of Picasso's
Chandelier, pot et casserole йmaillйe on your writing desk,
1966 (the same one Kinbote had up on his wall during his
reign as King Charles). Which aspects of Picasso do you admire?"

et voila

Easy and fun

cool, 3*s heres the replay data for n reality
$earth boy leading raincloud horse#gloomp#leading#0000000000000N1111111110000000000000>11111111100000000000000B1111111100000000000000>1111111100000000000000011111111000000000000000111111110000000000000001111111100000000000000011111111000000000000000B1111111000000000000000>11111110000000000000000B1111110000000000000000>1111110000000000000000011111100000000000000000111111000000000000000001111110000000000000000011111100000000000000000B1111100000000000000000>11111000000000000000000B1111000000000000000000>1111000000000000000000011110000000000000000000111100000000000000000001111000000000000000000011110000000000000000000B1110000000000000000000>11100000000000000000000B1100000000000000000000>11000000000000000000000110000000000000000000001100000000000000000000011|5^732,516!12^684,522!12^672,516!12^660,510!12^648,504!12^636,498!12^624,492!12^612,486!12^492,474!12^480,468!12^468,462!12^456,456!12^444,450!12^432,444!12^420,438!12^300,426!12^288,420!12^276,414!12^264,408!12^252,402!12^240,396!12^228,390!12^108,378!12^96,372!12^84,366!12^72,360!12^60,354!0^684,510!0^672,504!0^660,498!0^648,492!0^636,486!0^624,480!0^612,474!0^492,462!0^480,456!0^468,450!0^456,444!0^444,438!0^432,432!0^420,426!0^300,414!0^288,408!0^276,402!0^264,396!0^252,390!0^240,384!0^228,378!0^108,366!0^96,360!0^84,354!0^72,348!0^60,342!11^36,336,360,420#252:4473932|0|89476096|89478485|89478485|89478485|89478485|89478485|89478485|89478485|1118485|0|89476096|89478485|89478485|89478485|89478485|72701269|35651588|35791394|35791394|88391682|89478485|89478485|89478485|89478485|273|0|0|0|201326592|89478485|22369621|69905|0|0|0#


No, please, be as harsh as you want!... I like it that way! .D


3/5, Cool idea, but needed different jumps, and coulda been a little longer.
Demo Data


Cool concept. Needs different jumps...
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Short but neat map. Very cool.
Slow AGD!
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Heh. This is my first posted demo ever. Probably really slow and dumb looking, or glitchy, but whatever. All gold. Slow.
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xDD Tried. Still fun.
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Oh well, I didnt expect to get a ded. I remember something because I did a report/project on several artists just last year. 0.8 secs behind fastest.
Demo Data

this definately

belongs in a mappack ;)

a pretty fun map

i love simplicity, and the metanet feel. this gets it. 4.5/5 rounded...hmph. i'll have to say down, just because i don't want to give out too many 5's.


There is a Picasso with that as the subject, but I don't think it's called that. No, I'm referencing a book where it's mentioned in passing.

Wow, Meta_Ing,

I think you just maxed out this map.
Demo Data
Or something like that. It was an art piece I believe but im not sure (I hope there's no penalty.) The level on the other hand, is kinda cool to AGD. I almost got one, but its a no go.


Yeah I think this is the max having got it 10 times or so
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