
Thumbnail of the map 'whatever...'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author etdeshon
Tags author:etdeshon incomplete race unrated use-abuse-credit
Created 2008-03-22
Map Data

Description i started this map and it didnt really come out the way i wanted and im not up for making another map just yet; i just want to work on my collabs, if they get sent to me... but anyways. use, abuse, credit that sorta thing...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Forever Horse(revamped)' Thumbnail of the map 'no-jump test' Thumbnail of the map 'Call Me Beautiful' Thumbnail of the map 'Yours Truly' Thumbnail of the map 'Call Me Beautiful(reanimated)' Thumbnail of the map 'Yours Truly(fixed)'
Forever Horse(revamped) no-jump test Call Me Beautiful Yours Truly Call Me Beautiful(reanimated) Yours Truly(fixed)


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idk what that is but i tried to make a race can you help me out with it a little or like fix it up


the best advice i can give you is to make sure it flows correctly and at least a little bit. do you have a forums account? my username is the same as here and before you submit a race map show me what it looks like in a message and ill try to help you...
i want to make a race but i suck to badly
of our collab atm :P