Comments on "Graph Theory"

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Getting closer.
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Made it a five. Lucky you. ^_^

Hmm...I will go faster than mam. I will.

Path 4

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Path 3

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More efficient path

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There are more than one path. Here's one:
Demo Data

Its a good puzzle

But I dont like all of the trial and error involved. That said, the amount is dependant on the player :P 4

Fastest AGD

I played this ages ago! Dunno why I didn't rate.... 5/5 anyhow
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couldn't beat it without looking at demos, looks very nice, very fun 4


I tried it just going through random doors and that didn't work, but then i thought a little and I beat it.
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Awesome puzzle. However, it is easy if you think it through well enough. 3rd try demo, did not look at any other demos. I loved the appearance and the way it was designed. Man, this might be worthy of a feature, or maybe not. I think it is.
Demo Data
Thanks for that rate exchange.
Node geometry in my math class just recently, so I did it first try.

Still a great puzzle, though.

Awesome map!

Quite nostalgic of 'Button Maze'. :D

Good job Nexx; great map!
awesome map, good idea, nice execution very cool look.#
Demo Data


That was AWESOME!

dude, incrdible...5/5aved
This is an amazing puzzle. And the teleportation only adds to the enjoyment. But do you need quite so many launchpads? Anyway, 5/5 and faved. I'd post a demo but recently Numa hasn't been taking my data.


this si an excellelent puzzle level

the glitch only adds to the greatness

Awesome map

I have nothing else to say :)


Holy crap! I suck
Demo Data
Love the door glitch usage, 5aved.


great job

thats just gross

eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww yay you smell 0/5


I just put it at number one! Wewt!
I can't believe I have a legend rating my maps and giving me advice! Anyway, I'm sure I have no clue how much time it took to make this map, or just how arduous is was, but it's pretty much amazing. An easy 5/5.
After it dropped from 5 to 4.5 it went waaayyyyy back, so I figured that was the end of that.


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i think
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Thanks for the glitch Nexx and player_03.

Second-try solve.

Goddamn, I'm pleased with myself.

that's so cool

I love it. Faster I believe.
Demo Data
Also, I agree with miyoser about this being easy if you know graph theory.

Also, good job making something like this.

Finally, you're welcome.
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Well, I'm a math geek, so this caught my attention.
Demo Data
Well, as I would imagine you're aware, locked/trap doors placed on the same spot are given priority based on whichever opened/closed last. So each corridor has a locked door and its switch on each side. Trapdoors are placed at the same location as the locked doors, with their buttons being in the middle. Now walk through the corridor mentally. Pretty cool, huh?

Again, a very special thanks to player_03 for this elegant system.

But I didn't think anyone would. When I learned it back in xth grade, we didn't call it by a name, it was just a property of edge/node systems. Also, I did a smaller, lamer map with this concept earlier and no one went "Oh, this is graph theory!" So, yeah, I didn't expect anyone to pick up on it.

Nice Glitch!

Can you teach me how to use it?



fastest demo yet

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