User information for "miyoser"

Maps 99 (Show all)
Rated Maps 51 (Show all)
Favorites 12 (Show all)
Featured Maps 4 (Show all)
Map Ratings
Total Ratings 564


Hey all, I'm miyoser. I'm mainly a NUMA person, but I'm miyomiyo on the forums and miyoser on IRC as well. Like any mapmaker, I love feedback, negative and positive, so please check out my maps.

Also, I'm proud to be a reviewer here on NUMA, special thanks to arachnid for awarding me this position. Great job working on NUMA too, it looks great!

Recent Maps

Thumbnail of the map 'Askew' Thumbnail of the map 'Notkitt' Thumbnail of the map 'Spelunk' Thumbnail of the map 'Speed Jump' Thumbnail of the map 'Precision' Thumbnail of the map 'Pinball'
Askew Notkitt Spelunk Speed Jump Precision Pinball