
Thumbnail of the map 'Polliwog'

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Author AMomentLikeThis
Tags action author:amomentlikethis bitesized featured playable rated
Created 2007-05-07
by 37 people.
Map Data

Description Is today's word apparently.

This map was featured on 2009-05-05

Polliwog. It's today's word, apparently. And I'd like it to be today's as well. The map elicits feelings of early Templex and that classic AMLT vibe. When he wasn't making those simple Brttrx and PALEMOON style maps, back in the day, he was churning out these epic adventures with more mines than sense. And in their nonsense, they're beautiful. — KinGAleX

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hmm' Thumbnail of the map 'Hmm Part 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Full of... awe' Thumbnail of the map 'The Master Mind Vs. The Coward' Thumbnail of the map 'Waterfront' Thumbnail of the map 'Y'
Hmm Hmm Part 2 Full of... awe The Master Mind Vs. The Coward Waterfront Y



As Life said: "And I'd like it to be today's MAP as well."


There is definitely some fun to be had, but I don't like the end at all. And the thwumps and one-ways at the top are random. And the mines make it too difficult.

Overall, if it were a little less difficult it'd be a flat 3/5. As is, 2.5/5. I guess 2.5^.

@Life247: 3/5 is not "didn't like it". 3/5 is approximately the positive side of "meh".
Demo Data

Effin' amazing

Great choice KA

im stuck

any advice on how to pass the thwumps on the top left corner??
I didn't like the map. It wasn't fun and it was too long and drawn out. 3.


/me <3 map


What word did I miss?

Thats no mudkip.

I like some parts of the map, but others were way too hard.


Demo Data
The map isn't all that hard if you ignore the gold.

i mean

Demo Data


too hard for me.


KA missed a word
The rest is cool. But, imo, it's not feature-worthy. again, imo.
it had to be, and that detracted from the overall feel from the map.

Some parts were fun, but the rest was just "meh".


I doubt I would have been able to get the next lot of gold . . . this is just far too hard to get all the gold. some parts are brilliantly crafted i must add
Demo Data

nice map

slow completion

great feature
Demo Data

A polliwog is:

(noun) A larval frog or toad.
Nice map BTW.
I just can't do it...
Demo Data
But the maps good. Making a demo now.

Sweet map.

I like the bottom part it's fun and not too hard. But the upper part makes it really hard and not very fun to play.
I'll beat and rate this map later.


Oh, I see. That's how. :/


I had fun shaking N's ass
Demo Data


I've never been a player, just a mapmaker, but..
Maybe I'll still play, anyway :D
oh the horror!
It doesn't bother me, but if you continue to use it, you'll find it harder when the next version of N comes along.


Are you referring to the FBF thing? Because I'm not using any program >_> but NED's FBF. :)

Pretty true

But that's how I can appreciate at least most of the hard maps >.>


I love it. High 4!
(not high 5...)


It's confusing me. I'll watch your demo :D
Demo Data


Making a demo now.

Yeah almost

Demo Data