Mine Trippin', One-Way Lippin' and Corner Kickin'

Thumbnail of the map 'Mine Trippin', One-Way Lippin' and Corner Kickin''

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Author MC_Frank_E
Tags author:mc_frank_e playable puzzle unrated
Created 2007-04-25
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description It's possible! (Uses special tricks)(Go look them up)
Not recommended for noobs. (You'll get pissed)
Completions get an adrenaline rush.
Dedicated to St.Atilla's for teaching me these tricks.

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My first KRADDA. Born2Die BeatBox KRADDA2 [My2ndKRADDA] Have you got the GUTS??? Fast Flyer!!! Screw This!!!


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Edit and put the ninja at the first tile after the mines u jump over, then watch the demo.
Demo Data


i like the map... can you show a demo of how to get past the springs? i can get past everything else but those... NR til you show me... itll be a 4 or 4.5 anyways