The Masters - nevermore

Thumbnail of the map 'The Masters - nevermore'

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Author RokusaburoMichiba
Tags action author:rokusaburomichiba playable rated
Created 2005-05-06
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description This is the second installment of The Masters series. This time, it's one of nevermore's style. The first one was maximo but I submitted it when Numa was painfully slow and not much people saw it.

Check it out at

Anyways, I think this captures much of nevermore's style. Those corners with switches and mines seem to be in many of nevermore's maps along with carefully placed enemies. I'll see how well this map goes but I hope you enjoy it.

Please comment and post demos
~Rokusaburo Michiba

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Shuriken I' Thumbnail of the map 'Shuriken II' Thumbnail of the map 'Four Trials' Thumbnail of the map 'Two Stories' Thumbnail of the map 'Ianbic Pentameter' Thumbnail of the map 'The Masters - maximo'
Shuriken I Shuriken II Four Trials Two Stories Ianbic Pentameter The Masters - maximo


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that guy doesn't have any maps, votes, or faves... wierd.

userlevels N v1.4
5/5 cuz i think this was underrated

I did it!

no one seems to have submitted a demo of this just yet, so i\'m gonna be mean and do so. ha ha ha. all your gold are belong to me!
Demo Data


It reminds me of nevermore too.


i want a map in my style!oh well.I love your maps great job there with nevermores style.


don't think that i really have a style and i'm not asking for a map.

this was really fun and it did make me think of nevermore. good job, 4


ill make urs next then :)


good job, this looks just like one of his maps. very good. so i look foward to when you make a map in my style... jk :)
this is a cool idea though, and your doing a good job at it