Rocket, White Lightning, Hysteria

Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket, White Lightning, Hysteria'

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Author Mechtradevil
Tags author:mechtradevil playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-11-22
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description It's a puzzle! Not really, I suppose, it is more action. But if you are stupid like my little brother you will never beat it. I know you're not stupid, come on. R. C. E.

Tileset creds to Nemetacyst, certified tileset genius.

Other maps by this author

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A clockwork Orange In the name of The Italian Secretary Shining, Shining Greed My Nymphetamine Girl The Surrogate Theif


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I cant

beat it. Had problems with the small passage near the twump. I know i need a lot of speed, but i cant find the point i have to jump from.

anyway a good work. ill rate when id beaten it. =)


im a tileset genius, lol


and interesting level...very unique use of it

oh wait

thats gotta sound strange out of context

mechtradevil invited me to his house to play with his 10.5 legs
but like a sex offender on the show "Dateline: to catch a predator" I will traverse the continent, spending 5-8 hours of the day to get to a 12 year old's house with nothing but sex on my mind


if you please, my good people.