The Surrogate Theif

Thumbnail of the map 'The Surrogate Theif'

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Author Mechtradevil
Tags action author:mechtradevil playable rated
Created 2006-11-10
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Ded to Amconline...

There is a demo that shows the required path for coolness.
R. C. E.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'From Flowers to Fraternity' Thumbnail of the map 'A clockwork Orange' Thumbnail of the map 'In the name of ' Thumbnail of the map 'The Italian Secretary' Thumbnail of the map 'Shining, Shining Greed' Thumbnail of the map 'My Nymphetamine Girl'
From Flowers to Fraternity A clockwork Orange In the name of The Italian Secretary Shining, Shining Greed My Nymphetamine Girl


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nice tileset

i like small little challenges like this..keep up the good work...4.5/5

thanks !

I like the other one too, you know ! :)
nice map.

here's my old demo

it is essentially the correct path although, do it how ya waunt!
Demo Data
cause he already rated and commented...
Demo Data