In the name of

Thumbnail of the map 'In the name of '

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Author Mechtradevil
Tags action author:mechtradevil playable rated
Created 2006-10-23
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This is a ded to amconline for the fastest AGD on my level "From Flowers to Fraternity" and generally just because his tilesets rock... It's incomplete because I wasn't quite happy with it as a ded, but as a level I've decided to put it out here, tell me whatcha think... In any case I may just end up making him two deds...

edit: resubmitted for no votes :P

R. C. E.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Kashmir 2: Buddha's Scarf' Thumbnail of the map 'A truly vicious cat-rabbit' Thumbnail of the map 'Wherever I May Roam' Thumbnail of the map 'Labotomy, that's what I give to you' Thumbnail of the map 'From Flowers to Fraternity' Thumbnail of the map 'A clockwork Orange'
Kashmir 2: Buddha's Scarf A truly vicious cat-rabbit Wherever I May Roam Labotomy, that's what I give to you From Flowers to Fraternity A clockwork Orange


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proudness emininates from my shiny tanned skin!


and tricky !
With 2 rockets it's kinda hard !
nice tileset too.
thanks Mechtra !
here is a demo.
Demo Data


lol. 4.5
now finish it I Say!
Demo Data