Abyssal Tilt 2-03: Deep Sea Chasm

Thumbnail of the map 'Abyssal Tilt 2-03: Deep Sea Chasm'

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Author DemonzLunchBreak
Tags action author:demonzlunchbreak playable rated
Created 2006-09-19
Last Modified 2006-09-20
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description N Journeyed farther into the murky depths, and a chasm was revealed. Far above him, N could see the schools of fish, and the myriad of life nearer to the surface. He looked down to the bottom of the chasm, and saw no life but for strange Bioluminescent filter-feeders. N realized he must journey on.

I know who is sniping all my maps now. At least I know what the name of the acount he's using is. Lick_Me. If he's pissed he should just argue with me and get more pissed. What could I possibly have said to him to piss him off so?

Lol...I think I did the numbering right. Whatever.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Youth is temporary, Immaturity is eternal' Thumbnail of the map 'Guerilla Cave' Thumbnail of the map 'Incomplete DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Minimalism' Thumbnail of the map 'Demonz, Bringer of Chaos' Thumbnail of the map 'Catatgory is...Llamas!!!'
Youth is temporary, Immaturity is eternal Guerilla Cave Incomplete DDA Minimalism Demonz, Bringer of Chaos Catatgory is...Llamas!!!


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Great map dude


this is


Simple and fun

I like. 4/5


speeed :) 4.5... simplicity is good
Demo Data

Yay a snipe!

You're the cooliest, sniper.