Catatgory is...Llamas!!!

Thumbnail of the map 'Catatgory is...Llamas!!!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author DemonzLunchBreak
Tags action author:demonzlunchbreak playable rated
Created 2006-09-18
Last Modified 2006-09-18
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Llamas are fuzzy.

Ten minute map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Smurfadelic' Thumbnail of the map 'Youth is temporary, Immaturity is eternal' Thumbnail of the map 'Guerilla Cave' Thumbnail of the map 'Incomplete DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Minimalism' Thumbnail of the map 'Demonz, Bringer of Chaos'
Smurfadelic Youth is temporary, Immaturity is eternal Guerilla Cave Incomplete DDA Minimalism Demonz, Bringer of Chaos


Pages: (0)


cool map.
Demo Data

llamas spit at you,

so do assholes.
I just felt a need to point that out.
Therefore: snipers = llamas.
Dont get me wrong, I personaly love your maps.

yay! a snipe

I love zeros.

Wooohooo. You're my best friend, sniper.

All gold

Whee. I'm gonna make myself a ded unless someone goes faster.
Demo Data

Almost all gold.

I like this map. I wish more peeps would play it.
Demo Data

nice map

chaingun-rocket combo was good... 4/5


to show that it's possible.
Demo Data