Guerilla Cave

Thumbnail of the map 'Guerilla Cave'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author DemonzLunchBreak
Tags action author:demonzlunchbreak playable rated
Created 2006-09-15
Last Modified 2006-09-15
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I really like this map. Hope you guys do too.

Edit: also a ded to N-ger for AGDing one o my maps.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Brink' Thumbnail of the map 'N and the Giant Beanstalks' Thumbnail of the map 'Master Full' Thumbnail of the map 'Another DDA?' Thumbnail of the map 'Smurfadelic' Thumbnail of the map 'Youth is temporary, Immaturity is eternal'
The Brink N and the Giant Beanstalks Master Full Another DDA? Smurfadelic Youth is temporary, Immaturity is eternal


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quite possibly it could have been.


if your going to rate a 3, at least tell me how it could be better.


Awsome.. im liking ur maps and this on is excellent 5aved and heres a demo that i died on lol..
Demo Data