Hummingbird Moon Drink

Thumbnail of the map 'Hummingbird Moon Drink'

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Author MyAStrONewt79
Tags action author:myastronewt79 playable unrated
Created 2006-07-10
Last Modified 2006-07-10
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description yea i cant really think of anything to say here anymore.
i cant imagine the guys who have like over 100 maps.

so just the normal comment and rate please.

Other maps by this author

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The_Bigger_Half Naughty Mr. Mcfoto Penguins (Godless Killing Machines) Ralph Says Hello Death From Above 1979 Mongoose 45


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not bad not my favorite though
it bugs me... but you still gotta tell them to rate and comment right? hey, my map is right below yours... perhaps you could pay it a formal visit?

light, refreshing.

but not your best work. hmmmmmmmmmmeeeh. 4/5 I guess. hummingBRID?