Naughty Mr. Mcfoto

Thumbnail of the map 'Naughty Mr. Mcfoto'

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Author MyAStrONewt79
Tags action author:myastronewt79 playable unrated
Created 2006-06-27
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description pretty cool tileset i think.
cmnt and rate please.
and post a demo if you want.

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Burgers N' Fries Oh No Said The Bear The Orangeman Strikes Again The Trashman's Trash Can The X Files The_Bigger_Half


Pages: (0)

good one

nice Mr. Mcfoto is what it should be called
sweet just the same

nice tileset

but the play got sorta repetitive going back and forth... but maybe thats just me :) 3.5/5

