Penguins (Godless Killing Machines)

Thumbnail of the map 'Penguins (Godless Killing Machines)'

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Author MyAStrONewt79
Tags action author:myastronewt79 playable unrated
Created 2006-06-27
Last Modified 2006-06-28
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Most people probably wont like this map.
they will say its boring and to repetitive.
but i like the simple maps.
so yea.
lots of buttons to get.
cmnt and rate.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Oh No Said The Bear' Thumbnail of the map 'The Orangeman Strikes Again' Thumbnail of the map 'The Trashman's Trash Can' Thumbnail of the map 'The X Files' Thumbnail of the map 'The_Bigger_Half' Thumbnail of the map 'Naughty Mr. Mcfoto'
Oh No Said The Bear The Orangeman Strikes Again The Trashman's Trash Can The X Files The_Bigger_Half Naughty Mr. Mcfoto


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its from the "Cobert Report" on comedy central
he has this thing where he counts down the top 5
threats to america and the #1 threat is always bears
here is some clips


no i dont know what it is from.
what is it from?


here is "Bears(godless killing machines)"

PS. do you know what that title is really from


i love the name very creative
especially the part in parenthises

( not sure if i spelled parenthises right )


yea actually im gonna change the top one to a guass.
good idea.
should be a gauss turret... it's certainly not simple... it is an okay map, I like it, but it's too hard to be... ..... .. fair, I guess, it makes it too repetitive when there's two rockets... and less of a fair contest... other than that it is good. 3.5/5.