Scenic Mountain Range

Thumbnail of the map 'Scenic Mountain Range'

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Author Silent_witness
Tags author:silent_witness bitesized n-art rated
Created 2006-05-06
Last Modified 2006-05-06
by 27 people.
Map Data

Description A view of majestic mountains with a fence in the foreground...please comment, critique, and rate honestly...thank you!

Other maps by this author

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awesome tileset, man. why'd you leave? you maps are great. 5aved

Super nice!

5/5, great job!


great n art! the mountains look realistic

5/5 faved


Your "I'm leaving" post must've been good for getting this rated. I think this was a good good-bye gift and it sure looks great.

Most unusable?

I am not upset, but why, samuraichamploo, would you not rate this a 5/5? It is specifically under the category of N Art, not playable levels...


the only reason im not giving a 5/5 is because it is almost unuseable. but besides that, beautiful.


COW that's so realistic

one of the best....

tilesets i've seen in a while. 5/5 and favd.