Barbed-Wire Mayhem

Thumbnail of the map 'Barbed-Wire Mayhem'

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Author Silent_witness
Tags action author:silent_witness playable rated
Created 2006-05-06
Last Modified 2006-05-06
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description While it may be hard to traverse vertically at the beginning if you just keep on hitting jump rapidly while switching directional arrow keys to correspond with the angles of the map you should be able to get to the top with relative ease. Please enjoy (or hate...), rate, and leave demos and/or comments...thank you!

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Arg again!

you know the drill 4/5
This is my first time finishing it so it isn't very clean...sorry

postscript: please post demos if they are really good, I would like to watch them...thank you
Demo Data

thanks SW

Here is a really shoddy demo. I bet it was obby that rated this first lol. ^_^
Demo Data