Plant Life

Thumbnail of the map 'Plant Life'

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Author Silent_witness
Tags action author:silent_witness playable rated
Created 2006-04-26
Last Modified 2006-05-06
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Please enjoy (or hate...), rate, and leave demos and/or comments...thank you!


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Pretty damn good

but pretty near imposible too... I cant even get the top left switch... oh well.

Excellent level for a first.

@ Cossack

hey, I am not sure about the switches that I used to have but now for sure you can get them all. Thanks for noticing and also for the encouragement given.

I like

but it is hard. is it possible for N to get the switches, please post a demo. great idea for a first map. can you check out my ones please btw. (im olso new to this and only have 3 so far)