
Thumbnail of the map 'Doors'

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Author UndeadPie
Tags author:undeadpie medium messy tiles unrated
Created 2014-10-28
Last Modified 2014-10-28
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tiles are kinda messy, not sure about the gold, but I hope to see some bad ass AGDs :)

Other maps by this author

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Ginger Fredensborg Indkøbscentral Corny Love From A Time, Way Back Runaways Caves


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Demo Data


you like it :)) Here's my AGD
Demo Data

I thought this looked v cool, well made (maybe slightly less tiles would be better) and captivating in a fun way (hence gold style suits) due to the many exits idea. Would be nice to see this idea again in another map. All the rest I do not like on this particular map (too easy no tricks no route picking)


I think the tiles look decent actually suited the gameplay
Fun map to highscore. And it's not really too easy for competetive run. Just casual AGD/speedrun is easy, this demo took me a little work.
Demo Data
Cool map, maybe too easy, but that's just a personal preference.
Demo Data