User information for "James_s1_4"
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Maps | 1 (Show all) |
Rated Maps | -4 (Show all) |
Favorites | 576 (Show all) |
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james_s and now Jayson_Sams on N-game 2
Pity I can't map, but I actually made around 50 decent (some quite simple) maps since I made my first in late 2013 on Nv2. You may know that there's a map code converter but it's very troublesome so I just stay on there like most other mappers.
FYI You can't search for older Nv2 maps since the database fault, loosing author data. (I got all mine saved as text tho)
I found out about N a long time ago but only really got into it when Nv2 came out and only found out about NUMA around then.
Since then I've played casually everyday except for holidays. I play NUMA maps in Nv2 editor mostly (which accepts the map code).
Quit N (almost) to the extent that I think I'll ever be able to quit N at around July 2017