DEMONS (laser drone challenge)

Thumbnail of the map 'DEMONS (laser drone challenge)'

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Author simplehell
Tags author:simplehell lasers unrated
Created 2013-08-23
Last Modified 2013-08-23
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A simple hell with gold in it.

Other maps by this author

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Escape de blob 4 Escape de blob 3 Escape de blob 5 Escape de blob 6 Escape de blob 7 SOUNDBOX (zap drone challenge)


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soon after a few maps, you would realize that launchpads should be avoided as a propulsion method....
It allows you play NUMA maps without copy-pasting data to userlevels.txt, allows at least 10 drone types, moving objects like gold and launch pads, door triggers, episodes 100-199, crazy player mods... And much more... Like leo said, it contains EVERYTHING.
You have to dedicate a LOT of time learning the code changing stuff and all. I don't know that much about it, but you can ask zoasBE or NachoCheese or someone.

If you want to play another user's nreality map, just paste the code into the editor like normal and play it.

yes, what ors said

its a MASSIVE N-game mod that allows basically everything.
You can download it from [].

It allows solid bounce blocks for example. =D
and my typo in previous comment; the map is not a kradda it is simply a dda... :) []
look i added just one rocket...and you can feel the first area to be much more energetic and there are close calls which are the heart of a kradda....although the ninja gets killed after sometime...but still it is there for giving you an idea...i generally make ddas first then edit the may do it other way round as well...


good luck!! :)


Cool picture, how is it made?