Sleepy City Revisited

Thumbnail of the map 'Sleepy City Revisited'

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Author kiaora
Tags author:kiaora collab losttortuga unrated
Created 2013-06-05
Last Modified 2013-06-05
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Was messing around in the v2.0 NED and came up with this, based on an old collab [] between myself and losttortuga (<3)

Seemed pretty fun to play, and since the userlevels implementation in 2.0 is awful figured I'd post it here too.

Also, thanks to sidke and pembie for this thread:

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Pages: (0)

Very satisfying



laser provided some interesting gameplay, although in certain parts it seemed a little unfitting for my taste.

A decently quick AGD
Demo Data

Amazing map.

So many routes...!! Sub700
Demo Data

Yet faster.

Demo Data


Demo Data


Demo Data


for some reason numa is dropping the "http://" part of the link, which is aggravating the forums somehow...