miNi Nreality

Thumbnail of the map 'miNi Nreality'

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Author woutery
Tags author:woutery easy mines mini nreality rated
Created 2013-05-11
Last Modified 2013-05-11
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Nreality miNi special. With moving mines!
This seems easy but it's probably hard to AGD.

Nreality required.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cold Hard Drones' Thumbnail of the map 'miNi 1' Thumbnail of the map 'miNi 3' Thumbnail of the map 'miNi 2' Thumbnail of the map 'tiNiest' Thumbnail of the map 'planned future'
Cold Hard Drones miNi 1 miNi 3 miNi 2 tiNiest planned future


Pages: (0)


Demo Data


Before making collab just wanted to see what knid of n-reality maps have you done. Actually this is better start that mine.
Demo Data



idk if that's allowed anyways

Do you want to

have 5/5 by account spamming to fix sniping?
First of all, let me explain sniping. A snipe is usually a rating of zero that is given to a map for many various reasons which are too numerous to list. Either way, a sniper is one who gives out these low ratings.
=( That´s why you see ninjas. And it explains that you can´t rate.


Who has downrated this so much!?! I rated 3! Some one rated 3 times 0 with account spamming!


Rating 1 by 4 people. (1 more votes required for a public rating.)

can't vote or anything
there's the ninjas and stuff but i can't click anything
Created: xxxx
Last modified: xxxxxxx
Rating: x more votes required for a rating.
BOX <- You can´t see this if you view your own map or map you have already rated
Map data



Blergh, they should rather disable me (and ors') comments instead of ratings.
Possibly done by an admin.

ogm orS


anyways, help meh with rating!11!!!1!!

And more randomness: i made an image map too, but when i try to submit it it gives me some error about object id's. What's going on?

Improved again!

(spaam) LOL
Demo Data
I mean, it says that it needs 5/4/3/2/1 more votes for a rating, i can't rate or whatever. HOW DOES THIS WORK!?

Thing is...

When i check a map WITH rating, it just shows the rating and i can't rate anything. :/

Idk, maybe i should try again. Hmm.
And you can´t see rates if you have already rated or you view your own map. (spaaaam)

And err...

kewl demo! And thanks.

I like to spam.

LOL! Here´s an improved AGD
Demo Data

About rating...

How do i rate anything? I can't seem to rate sh**. HALP!


This is actually 5/5 fun! Great work.
Demo Data


Revenge what rating?

I don't even know how rating works, i can't seem to rate anything...

Also, currently you're spamming my level :P

just kiddind

I rate 3/5! Still revenge! This is 4/5 map.


1/5 to revenge your rating! >=D
Demo Data



You're just doing random small levels, i'm doing a series.

It's not spamming either, since my mini's are off ze hotmaps.
and here´s a minimap by you!

quick post