planned future

Thumbnail of the map 'planned future'

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Author woutery
Tags action author:woutery gauss gold rated
Created 2013-05-11
Last Modified 2013-05-11
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I guess my mini-map maps are down enough on the Hot Maps, so i thought i'd post this new map i made.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Molten Rock Formation' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold Hard Drones' Thumbnail of the map 'miNi 1' Thumbnail of the map 'miNi 3' Thumbnail of the map 'miNi 2' Thumbnail of the map 'tiNiest'
Molten Rock Formation Cold Hard Drones miNi 1 miNi 3 miNi 2 tiNiest


Pages: (0)

Also, sniping is bogus. 5 for anti-snipe. Raised it.

Honestly that might be a matter of opinion. The longer an individual stays a part of this community, they begin to explore and discover the cliche' "norms" for physical aesthetics.

Too much gold.

Otherwise, it's good!




I've had a period when all my maps were multi-sniped. I'm just annoyed with the rating, it's definitely worth more.


I've read the FAQ, rating very low because of various reasons is called Sniping, and the FAQ also said you shouldn't respond to it because it makes people look like idiots.

Wow, seriously?

2/5 on 5 votes? There's no need to rate a map low because an author has posted in a few in a short space of time. How childish.


I enjoyed this... I liked the switch and oneway combo.
Demo Data

nice one

very well conceived map :) can't find a flaw


I've did a few crappy things in 2011, and mid-2012. I actually started playing N again three days ago...


Great map! Has some back-and-forth sections, but definitely it's not boring.

Also, who are you? I don't remember you, but according to your mapping skills, I don't think you are a new mapper.

Demo Data


Hmm... i thought it was fine if they were down the hot pages, not off. Okay then, i'll watch out for that as well the next time :)

it isn't about being low on the page, it's about being off :P
2 maps in the 10 on the hot maps page may be yours