
Thumbnail of the map 'Naruto'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author darestium
Tags anime author:darestium manga n-art nart naruto rated
Created 2012-08-30
Last Modified 2012-09-11
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description Finally, after more than 10 hours I've finished my second n-art. This is a dedication to a friend who lent me the first 27 volumes of Naruto.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Guarded Catacombs' Thumbnail of the map 'Fukkit Bukkit' Thumbnail of the map 'Slurp it up!' Thumbnail of the map 'Octcel Chase' Thumbnail of the map 'Three gram rocks' Thumbnail of the map 'Nyu?'
Guarded Catacombs Fukkit Bukkit Slurp it up! Octcel Chase Three gram rocks Nyu?


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Good N-art

Naruto is one of favorite shows. I still watch it and buy every box set. My only complaint is that you could have done a little better with that headband.

no probs

I had to go back and try again as I have not used it for aages. when you place the objects go back into the menu and click the 'calculate' button. this should (with a percentage) and when it gets to 100 it spits some text into the white box at the bottom. the one on the right. cntrl-a and copy that into whatever. if you want to load stuff paste into the left and click load. it won't load all objects correctly, or the tileset. like i said it's incomplete.
also click the help button and it will show you some other features.
happy mapping
main pointers are, the eyes are good in full view but when shrunk down it makes him look possessed. You need to fill out the eyes to make them darker. always make art with the thumbnail in mind as that is what the viewer first sees, and usually makes his/her judgement on.
secondly avoid using drones for blue, preferably use exit door switches. they come up nice, and are a lighter less electric blue. they are also more controlable and more solid.
also I'm curious as to whether you manually put those door switches in. if you did I can suggest two main work arounds for that.
one is do it all in mines (before you put in any mines that you would like to be red) and in text edit or word do the find & replace thing, and you swap them over to doors. I can't be bothered with the specifics, but if you want to know more drop a comment on one of my maps.
the other method is using the art program I made (it's unfinished and will always be) but it is made specifically for doing n-art. it's called n-artismic. I know, gay arse name, but we all do things we hate later in life.
anyways happy arting.
but this is pretty cool. have a 4.


This [] is the orange I was talking about.
5/5. I hope this gets views.