Guarded Catacombs

Thumbnail of the map 'Guarded Catacombs'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author darestium
Tags action agd author:darestium medium playable speedrun unrated
Created 2012-08-06
Last Modified 2012-08-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description An action-packed fun map redone twice - the first version I lost by hitting "tab" and "q" at the same time, I was quite frustrated but forced myself to recreate it. Hope you enjoy it ^_^.

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Xtraction There and back again Honorguards Sloped Attenuation


Pages: (0)

Go into N's configure panel and change your boss key to B.

Slow completion

Just to show people how it's done (shouldn't be too hard to find a route by yourself though)
Demo Data