I've met the people that you read about in books

Thumbnail of the map 'I've met the people that you read about in books'

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Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset unrated
Created 2012-06-16
Last Modified 2012-06-16
Map Data

Description Here come the riddle, here come the clue, if you are really smart, you'll know what to do

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'If you should die before me' Thumbnail of the map 'But I'm still alive' Thumbnail of the map 'What the fuck did you just fucking say about me' Thumbnail of the map 'Good morning, how are you, I'm Dr. Worm' Thumbnail of the map 'Her light eyes were dancing' Thumbnail of the map 'The greens of Summers'
If you should die before me But I'm still alive What the fuck did you just fucking say about me Good morning, how are you, I'm Dr. Worm Her light eyes were dancing The greens of Summers


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The main thing I don't like about yours is that I wanted it to be an "open" atmosphere, per say. I didn't want any stalactites to ruin that.
nowhere near perfect, and some of the changes probably aren't that great to be honest:

And cluttered.

Apologies for that too.
In my playthroughs of the map, if you work fast enough you can dodge the laser in the middle quite swimmingly and get to the next phase pretty quick.

But yes it is extremely constrictive and I do apologize for that. I was just trying something new.

First try.

Pretty impressed by how far I made it.
Demo Data

forgot to mention

some of the mines are annoyingly placed, and by that I mean going-being-the-call-of-duty kind of annoying, because mines are supposed to be irritating, after all.



I like this, but it is rather cramped, even after the beginning. Lasers don't really lend themselves to a cramped environment, especially one in which they can shoot through gaps in tiles as they can here. Only a couple really work imo (the one at the start and maybe the next one after that). The central one makes getting into the little cave it's in a shade too difficult for my liking. The top left is a little too isolated, also, and I think would benefit from having more than one point of entry. In fact, making the map slightly more open ended in general would improve it too, and give it a slightly more adventurous feel.
Demo Data

And in other times,

more provides less.


less is more :)


yet getting back to the exit is a pain.

I wouldn't say it's cramped. Maybe only the second laser drone.

Yeah. :v

I wouldn't worry about the cramped-ness of the gameplay at the start, if I were you. It gets better and more open progressively.

amazing thumbnail

gameplay is too cramped, though.