Standing in the dockets of Hampton

Thumbnail of the map 'Standing in the dockets of Hampton'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sunset
Tags author:sunset poisonous projectrace projectrace3 race rated
Created 2011-01-22
Last Modified 2011-01-22
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Trying to get to Holland or France

Other maps by this author

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проблема? Is this it? Strange Eyes Feel Stranger In the Flesh? Time plant DWNSK KJSTAR


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Hey so

I just have found that this map is awesoem because I can never find ways to get bored with it, its just so awesome. Its earned my favorite race map :)

i Like this map



He was being a jerk towards AVATAR_FANATIC, zoasBE, and miststalker 06. Thus, causing karmap0lice to rate it low. Soon after, AVATAR_FANATIC rated it low and thus started a chain reaction. Is this a good explanation for ya?


is nice. fresh even. 4. the one thing i didnt like was the last door where you have to jump backwards, but thats just cause i spent half an hour on that before i checked the demo. again. nice tileset

you on facebook?

i can add you to the metanet group if so


that is the flow.

i cant

find the proper flow, all i can find is this path.
Demo Data


Demo Data

post demo. Feels bit fumbly. I often hit the mines from teh first jump.

Your new tile style is pretty beast.

come to germany and visit me :DD
3.5 upppppppp

Sure sunset. I'd love to join the group ^^ Sorry for not getting back to you, I took a much needed vacation that proved to be extremely /not/ relaxing.

Re-use at the end kill the gameplay but i love this design and weird curves.


I'm not too good with races, I believe. :X

nice race

but nothing special