Imaginationland 1

Thumbnail of the map 'Imaginationland 1'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author adam_zappul
Tags author:adam_zappul hard unrated
Created 2010-12-08
Last Modified 2010-12-08
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Why is it so...empty?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ganteka' Thumbnail of the map 'Three Dimensional Splat' Thumbnail of the map 'Spider-spun-snare' Thumbnail of the map 'Here they are, The Beatles!' Thumbnail of the map 'Granite Rock' Thumbnail of the map 'My Requiem Fantasia'
ganteka Three Dimensional Splat Spider-spun-snare Here they are, The Beatles! Granite Rock My Requiem Fantasia


Pages: (0)


but you missed the one in the top left corner...

I reccommend following the path:
Demo Data


Demo Data

Well now,

I've got another tileset that could do with some inspiration, would that work?


You're talking about your brother aren't you. Powerhouse, right? Aiaaa...I thought I had that one cleared up. Guess not. Working on it now. Once again, apologies.


Holy guacamole, I haven't been on this site in years! You have an amazing memory; I thought I had completely completed all dedications before I left! My shocked apologies, I'll think of something before the next year-long-ish break...
What would you prefer?
forever ago....yet no ded....I'm so mad at you...