Underground Cavern

Thumbnail of the map 'Underground Cavern'

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Author kyozo_43
Tags author:kyozo_43 cavern jump mines tight underground unrated
Created 2010-12-07
Last Modified 2010-12-08
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hey guys, I haven't submitted a map in a while ... so here is my next map :D

Now, this is a map where I made it all, but it looks good :P (tileset & objects)

So I hope you guys like it :P (please tell me if there is anything i need to change / fix)

*BANNER* Underground *BANNER*

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Death Course' Thumbnail of the map 'Crash The Castle' Thumbnail of the map ''The Rounds'' Thumbnail of the map 'All In Sync' Thumbnail of the map 'Rapid Playground' Thumbnail of the map 'Me, You; Her, Me; You, Her'
Death Course Crash The Castle 'The Rounds' All In Sync Rapid Playground Me, You; Her, Me; You, Her


Pages: (0)

I read it, but one demo for two maps concept is really tough for me ^^

I respect your effort on this, man! You've got the balls. I tried but i couldn't succeed it. Still trying.


You provoked me xD
Demo Data


I didn't like some golds, but general gameplay is great!

Slow completion:
Demo Data

all i know how to use is photoshop, and its been a long while at that, but if you have any specific questions i can help you through msn, or skype

do you have photoshop?

Im leaving numa

school work... Good bye

A few things

A good jumper but there are a few things wrong:

1. Remember the quote? It applies almost directly to mines.

2. You don't need all the panels. Only one to unlock the way to the blue switch and one to the door. The rest become irrelevant.

3. The gausses were locked in. Take away one and place the other outside somewhere so that they actually do something.

4. The trap doors were unnecessary, to put it bluntly.

5. You should almost never put an exit completely behind tiles.

Other than those few things, you did great! I give this a 4.