Forced hand

Thumbnail of the map 'Forced hand'

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Author under_rated
Tags action author:under_rated drones fun med unrated
Created 2010-10-21
Last Modified 2010-10-22
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description can anyone get a 100+ sec AGD on this? (or even 99.500)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Intergration' Thumbnail of the map 'Vertical Attraction' Thumbnail of the map 'I broke physics.'
Intergration Vertical Attraction I broke physics.


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Clever use of space and enemy proporties. Absolutely the best I've seen from you so far.


improved but still suck
Demo Data

3,5/5 rounded up

Nice concept.

Demo Data

well done

I knew it was those laser drones preventing me getting down fast enough, didnt think there was a way past them.
Also, i managed to get infront of that drone
Demo Data


AGD. Couldn't quite fit in front of the zap drone at the exit though.
Demo Data

i did it

but its not all gold
Demo Data

ah I see.

very nice.
check my demo on nreality, got pretty close to 90 secs too
the bottom? maybe I'm too slow.