
Thumbnail of the map '2-ninja2-pro'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author LeadrZ
Tags author:leadrz beatable puzzle unrated
Created 2010-10-06
Last Modified 2010-10-06
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description a highly tested and retested map
possible to beat
lean into way at start

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Puzzled Ninja' Thumbnail of the map 'The Magic Ninja' Thumbnail of the map 'The MeNtAL Ninja' Thumbnail of the map 'warehouse' Thumbnail of the map 'seacamelReMiX'
The Puzzled Ninja The Magic Ninja The MeNtAL Ninja warehouse seacamelReMiX


Pages: (0)

now i see it lol

fail didnt mean 2 just messing around

in thumbnail

At the middle i see a naked queen.

Did you draw this consciously, or is it just my mind?