
Thumbnail of the map 'warehouse'

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Author LeadrZ
Tags author:leadrz beatable fun hardish unrated
Created 2010-08-19
Last Modified 2010-08-19
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Ninja
your believe in the ways of the ninja
there for you venture near a military warehouse you take a closer look you see yellow objects
your've already decided to break in

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Puzzled Ninja' Thumbnail of the map 'The Magic Ninja' Thumbnail of the map 'The MeNtAL Ninja'
The Puzzled Ninja The Magic Ninja The MeNtAL Ninja


Pages: (0)

3,5/5 rounded up

Jumping between two zap drones was a good feeling. You can improve it with help of BluePretzel's words.

Keep playing maps on Numa, comment them, read other comments so your talent on mapping will increase unconsciously.

Demo Data


A bit messy, but otherwise okay. Here's a tip for keeping drones still without doors:

Here's your laser drone:


You're keeping him still by trapping him with a door that becomes unlocked at the start of the level. However, to remove annoying and messy doors (especially for those zap drones, no offense) but still have the drones still, we can do this through the magic of glitched N objects:


So, what's happened? NaN, standing for Not a Number, is what happens when something in the code of the object is broken (not correct).
You may notice that in some maps, mines or gold are stuck at the top of the map. That's because they are NaN'd. Different objects react in different ways when there NaN'd. Dromes (zap, seeker, laser, chaingun) stop moving. They're still active, they just don't move. This normally happens when the cursor is in the data box, then when you press L to load the level, you place an L in the data, causing it to NaN.

So that's the details. To make it simple:
To make a drone stay still without doors, you can NaN it. Just place your drone, go to the editor menu, then click in the end of the data box. Either press L to load the map and NaN the drone, or replace the last number wit 'NaN', then load. Play the map and the drone will be stuck wherever it is. Then you can continue to edit the map as you wish, while the drone stays as it is.

Sorry if your confused, just read the last part over a bit and you should get it. I hope I helped you out, and keep mapping!! :D

Demo Data


I like how the zap drones are placed.