Under Budget

Thumbnail of the map 'Under Budget'

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Author blackson
Tags action author:blackson rated
Created 2010-10-01
Last Modified 2010-10-01
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description Oh look, another one!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Teuat' Thumbnail of the map 'Mkeya' Thumbnail of the map 'Aberration' Thumbnail of the map 'Remix' Thumbnail of the map 'Hill of the Skull' Thumbnail of the map 'Agent Buckwald'
Teuat Mkeya Aberration Remix Hill of the Skull Agent Buckwald


Pages: (0)

Faster agd.
Demo Data
Demo Data

slow agd. Very ncie.
Demo Data

must say

This demo is purdy sexy.


Fun map.
Demo Data


like this: 201312


i honestly can't remember why i posted. i was kidding, i think

anyway, yeah send me something in response to what i just sent.


And do you wanna collab.

17 rates?

Gawsh this wasn't very good in the first place, was there a snipe war on your map?


Kickass tiles. 5aved.
Demo Data
but other than that, the tiles are -so- sexy. solid gameplay too. a high 4
Demo Data

I thought it had good replay value at the least. And I like the tile pattern.




sweet tiles/gameplay, 4/5^
Demo Data


I'm a retard...
Demo Data

4.5/5 rounded up

I find it really funny. Gold placement is perfect, mines provide a regular gameplay, also the route is just in dose by longness.

Demo Data

Nooooooo. :(

I love the map though.
Demo Data


if you use that shape inside the tile mass one more time i will gouge my eyes out
i can't even handle it.

eyecatching tiles

they really drew me in

the gameplay is challenging, but not as great as I thought it would be (specifically the drone room)

three point five up
it's sooo cute <3 :3
absolutely perfect.
I also liked that little bump just before the end. very sneaky.
Demo Data


I dunno why I warped the hook. And the drone room was meant to be easier. Most of the floors and walls are 5 tiles so the drone can't chase after you. This was on purpose, I only meant the room to be sort of a suspense part, to make the player pay close attention to the drone, but not have it be too difficult.

Thanks for the comment, I agree about the hook now.


I like the tiles, but I only wish the hook part was straight. I don't much like the drone room either, but otherwise it was fun.
Demo Data

Almost AGD

Demo Data