3-4) Ninja skills 4: Falling p2

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Author BluePretzel
Tags 3-4 author:bluepretzel letsplayn rated series
Created 2010-06-18
Last Modified 2010-06-18
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Now using objects for falling. Launchpads and doors can be used to stop one hell of a fall. The launchpad is easy; toe door isn't. While moving towards it, you have to hit the corner at just the right time so you don't die. The trap version has the same principle. THe right corner (is ment) to require a jump when landing on the small tile. I'll make a demo, then post it showing what I mean. Those who want a chllenge, load this in editor mode, then remove the slope tile under the door. Its possible to complete, but incredibaly hard. Have fun! Oh, and please don't wall slide. There's no challenge in that!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '2-3 Illustrious' Thumbnail of the map '2-4 To Scale' Thumbnail of the map '3-0 Ninja skills 1: Slope jumps' Thumbnail of the map '3-1 Ninja skills 2: Corner Jumping' Thumbnail of the map '3-2 Ninja skills 3: Falling p1' Thumbnail of the map '3-3) Terraform'
2-3 Illustrious 2-4 To Scale 3-0 Ninja skills 1: Slope jumps 3-1 Ninja skills 2: Corner Jumping 3-2 Ninja skills 3: Falling p1 3-3) Terraform


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I really love the tilesets that you make for you episode level, very nice design !
I use it to scale the wall quickly to get the exit switch. But that's not exactly fair, what about my AGD on your 200th?

The ded

goes to amconline! []

Faster AGD

Demo Data


Without wallsliding or using the tile. DED please! :D
Demo Data


Hey blue! Wanna collab? :D


route altough i mess up very heavily at the end.
Demo Data


t'is okay. you can still call me sunset, it doesn't bother me. though what does bother me is that i got braces and they hurt like a mother fucker.

ok :)

I modified your data map, and removed the tile under the door.
here's my AGD for it (won't work with the tile)
nice work.
no Fbf, as I don't even understand how some people can play with it... ^^
Demo Data


can't say -in my demo- if it's the objects that prevent N from dying or just the 2tiles and 3tiles...
Demo Data

Wow that's good

i didn't hit the launchpad by mistake.
Demo Data

Man. Point of this map is to learn falling on different surfaces. By wallsliding you prove that you're, to be honest, idiot. :/

Again cool map, the door falling is very interesting trick.


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Demo Data

hehe =P

faster AGD
Demo Data


Removing the tile under the door will mean going to fast will kill and won't be reduced. If you can get an AGD without the tile, I'll make you a dedication map and play and rate 3 of your maps.
Go for it! (no FBF (frame by frame) demos)
Demo Data