Comments on "Surround Sound"

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Hey bro

You should make a map in 3 days at 12:00 Central U.S. time.

Hey a_p

Was your demo here [] fbf'd? If not, you have my vote for run of the year (so far)

Can't complete it

but this is an awesome idea
Demo Data

Faaaaaar too hard.

Glad you're back, anyway. :D

the map wouldn't be much without the rocket. However it is insanely hard >.<
no-one seems to like it.


i wish i was pro enough to play this. but at least i have my mapping prowess

i like it without the rocket too, but its just so damn easy, i personally enjoy harder maps more and thats how i like to make them. "easy" is in no way a bad thing, but it really just isnt my style.
With the rocket, I'm not even going to rate it. (I'd probably rate it more along the lines of 2, if I did.)

Arctic_Pony map! OMG

Forgot I wanted to put you up on my profile. Good reminder.

Remove the rocket and you have a winner.

fantastic idea

the rocket was a bit much for me, but it was still fun. Until I lost my sanity.

I love the drones.

This is a great concept arctic_pony, there's so many options.

Here's my completion, sub-5. :D
Demo Data


five minutes exact. it's incredibly fun, and the rocket was none too tedious either.

glad you're back.

faved for now, it looks nice. play it later, in, say 5 minutes?


Demo Data